BenMAP-CE: Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program-Community Edition
Introduction 系统简介
   BenMAP-CE is a new-generation BenMAP program that providesa powerful and easy-to-use interface to to estimate human health effects resulting from changes in air quality. BenMAP-CE results provide scientific support for air quality management and decision making.
Assessment principle 评估原理
   BenMAP-CE uses the output from air quality model simulations to estimate the change in ambient air pollution. In ABaCAS-SE, the air quality model data that are input into BenMAP-CE may be from a pair of model simulations (i.e. base and control cases), from a Response Surface Model (RSM), or generated from air pollution monitoring data. BenMAP-CE calculates the relationship between the change in ambient air pollution and certain health effects (also known as health endpoints). This step is often referred to as the health impact function or the concentration-response (C-R) function in epidemiology studies. BenMAP-CE then applies the C-R function to population data that are pre-loaded into the tool to estimate exposures and health impacts. The health impacts are used to estimate the economic impact of the change in air pollution by multiplying the change in health endpoints by an estimate of the monetized cost per endpoint.
Functional Design 功能框架
   BenMAP-CE consists of five modules:
  • The Set up Database Module provides options to edit, add, and delete datasets.
  • The Air Quality Surface Module supports to creation air quality grids for the health impacts analysis.
  • The Estimate Health Impacts Module presents options for the health impact functions to estimate the incidence of health endpoints.
  • The Aggregate Pool & Value Module presents options to combine the health impacts estimates and choose economic valuation functions.
  • The Reports Module supports several options for viewing and outputting the results from BenMAP-CE.
  • User Interface 操作界面

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